Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Oh what a year 2011 has been! I'm so glad that this last year has gone. There has been so many problems this year. I hope that things settle down and will start an upward swing for all of us. People have lost their jobs due to businesses shutting down or moving their companies out of state or worse to another country. Thanks Obama!!!! People have lost homes and families over all this mess. Right now in my neighborhood we have six homes that are in foreclosure just because of the economy. We live in a neighborhood that isn't rich we are just normal everyday people trying to work to pay our bills and to survive in this crazy economy. They say that unemployment is down, well I hate to tell them this but it isn't down. People have just given up, they aren't looking for jobs anymore cause there aren't any or if you do get one it is only a temporary job that will last maybe 3-6 months. Maybe some other states are doing fine, because that is where our businesses have relocated to. But who can afford to just pack up and leave, unless the company that you work for can help you sell your house and move you. I feel for everyone that has had to endure the problems that our economy has put on them. I wish I could help everyone that is going through something like this. Who knows I may be in their shoes someday too. I pray and hope that everything will change for the better for all of us. Happy New Year Everyone!
Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Joshua J. Marine

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